来源:锦天城事务所 作者:汤旻利、张易欣
较之我国内地仲裁中仲裁费一般由申请人先行支付的做法,国际仲裁中的上述费用分配规则虽然减轻了申请人一开始的费用负担,但这也可能导致部分仲裁申请人利用此类费用分配规则,在无合理理据的情况下恶意提起仲裁以期给被申请人施加压力。于是,支持被申请人要求申请人对于仲裁费用提供担保的“费用担保(Security for Costs)”制度也被运用到国际仲裁中。[1]
一、 什么是费用担保(Security for Costs)?
如前言中所述,许多国际仲裁机构规则均规定仲裁庭有权对费用承担问题作出裁决,在实践中,多数仲裁庭一般采用“Costs Follow the Event”的规则分配费用[2],即根据争议结果分配双方应支付的法律费用——一般由败诉方支付胜诉方的部分或全部法律费用。[3]该等法律费用一般来说包括仲裁费用(诸如仲裁机构费用、仲裁员报酬和开支、仲裁秘书费用等)和律师费用等。
虽有该等Costs Follow the Event的规则,但在实践当中,由于多数国际仲裁案件中作为应诉方的仲裁被申请人也要根据仲裁规则预缴仲裁费用[4]、也需要同步支付律师费,于是出现了部分仲裁申请人在无合理理据、自身资金无保障(比如是一些壳公司、皮包公司)的情况下恶意提起仲裁以期给被申请人施加压力,最终导致被申请人即使赢了案子甚至仲裁庭作出了支持其费用主张的裁决,但其支付的仲裁费用和律师费用等却无法实际从仲裁申请人处得以补偿的情形出现。
为了保护该等情形下的仲裁被申请人并使其得以反制申请人,“费用担保(Security for Costs)” 制度也被运用到国际仲裁中——即仲裁庭(或法院[5])有权作出临时决定,命令仲裁当事方(一般是针对仲裁申请人)提供担保,以确保在该方败诉时有能力履行仲裁庭作出的费用承担决定。而担保的形式一般是要求该方将一笔现金存入托管账户、该方(或其母公司)出具银行保函等。如果该方未提供仲裁庭(或法院)要求的此类担保,则该方将会面临不利后果。在一些仲裁规则或仲裁地法下,该等不利后果包括仲裁该方提起的仲裁程序将被中止或终止等。
1 仲裁地法域
1.1 新加坡:International Arbitration Act 1994
新加坡International Arbitration Act 1994第12条规定,仲裁庭有权就要求一方当事人(并不仅限于仲裁申请人)提供费用担保作出命令。
12.—(1) Without prejudice to the powers set out in any other provision of this Act and in the Model Law, an arbitral tribunal has powers to make orders or give directions to any party for —
(a) security for costs;
1.2 英国[8]:Arbitration Act 1996
英国Arbitration Act 1996第38条第(3)项明确授予了仲裁庭可以命令仲裁申请人提供费用担保的权力。
38 General powers exercisable by the tribunal.
(3) The tribunal may order a claimant to provide security for the costs of the arbitration.
1.3 中华人民共和国香港特别行政区(“香港”):《仲裁条例》
类似英国Arbitration Act 1996,香港《仲裁条例》(Arbitration Ordinance)第56条第(1)(a)项也明确授予了仲裁庭可以命令仲裁申请人(即,申索人)提供费用担保的权力。第56条第(4)项进一步规定,如该命令未被遵守,仲裁庭可撤销或搁置有关申索。相关条款如下:
2 仲裁机构规则
2.1 国际商会仲裁院(ICC)
ICC Rules of Arbitration(2021年)中虽未单独规定仲裁庭可以决定费用担保的事宜,但是其第28条“保全措施与临时措施”(Conservatory and Interim Measures)中概括性地阐述了除当事人另有规定外,仲裁庭有权依申请作出关于保全措施与临时措施的命令,这似乎可以解读为包含了仲裁庭有权作出费用担保命令。
Article 28 – Conservatory and Interim Measures
1) Unless the parties have otherwise agreed, as soon as the file has been transmitted to it, the arbitral tribunal may, at the request of a party, order any interim or conservatory measure it deems appropriate. The arbitral tribunal may make the granting of any such measure subject to appropriate security being furnished by the requesting party. Any such measure shall take the form of an order, giving reasons, or of an award, as the arbitral tribunal considers appropriate.
2.2 伦敦国际仲裁院(LCIA)
LCIA Arbitration Rules(2020年)第25.2条明确规定仲裁庭有权依当事人之申请,命令申请人(包括反请求申请人、交叉请求申请人等)提供费用担保,如未按照仲裁庭之命令提供者,仲裁庭可以中止(stay)或以裁决的方式驳回(dismiss)该方当事人之请求、反请求或交叉请求,具体规则如下:
25.2 The Arbitral Tribunal shall have the power upon the application of a party, after giving all other parties a reasonable opportunity to respond to such application, to order any claiming, counterclaiming or cross-claiming party to provide or procure security for Legal Costs and Arbitration Costs by way of deposit or bank guarantee or in any other manner and upon such terms as the Arbitral Tribunal considers appropriate in the circumstances. Such terms may include the provision by the applicant of a cross-indemnity, itself secured in such manner as the Arbitral Tribunal considers appropriate, for any costs and losses incurred by such claimant, counterclaimant or cross-claimant in complying with the Arbitral Tribunal’s order. Any amount payable under such cross-indemnity and any consequential relief may be decided by the Arbitral Tribunal by one or more awards in the arbitration. In the event that a claiming, counterclaiming or cross-claiming party does not comply with any order to provide security, the Arbitral Tribunal may stay that party's claims, counterclaims or cross-claims or dismiss them by an award.
2.3 香港国际仲裁中心(HKIAC)
第24条 — 费用担保
2.4 新加坡国际仲裁中心(SIAC)
27. Additional Powers of the Tribunal
Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, in addition to the other powers specified in these Rules, and except as prohibited by the mandatory rules of law applicable to the arbitration, the Tribunal shall have the power to:
j. order any party to provide security for legal or other costs in any manner the Tribunal thinks fit;
2.5 中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(CIETAC)
第二十三条 保全措施及临时措施
[1] 此制度在英美法诉讼程序中也较多见。
[2] 参见ICC Arbitration and ADR Commission Report on Decisions on Costs in International Arbitration, 2015, 第13段。
[3] 除非胜诉方有特别不合理行为或其举证的费用明细不合理等。
[4] 如《新加坡国际仲裁中心仲裁规则》(2016年)第34.2条,《香港国际仲裁中心机构仲裁规则》(2018年)第41.1条,伦敦国际仲裁院仲裁规则(LCIA Arbitration Rules)(2020年)第24.1条等。
[5] 取决于相关仲裁程序法对于仲裁庭及法院权力的划分。
[6] 一般体现为仲裁地法。
[7] 一般体现为仲裁机构的仲裁规则、当事人约定的仲裁规则等。
[8] 此处及本文下的英国法特指英格兰及威尔士法。